Færsluflokkur: Dægurmál

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Paul Wolfowitz í Víkurprjón!

Algjörlega frábært! Joyful

wolfo þyrfti að ná sér í úrvalssokka frá VP

Paul Wolfowitz, forseti Alþjóðabankans, yfirgefur Selimiye moskvuna í Edirne, Tyrklandi síðastliðinn sunnudag með þessi líka rosalega flottu göt á sokkunum! Ekki nokkur spurning að það þarf að koma manninum í Prjónið!

South African court fines "pregnant man"

... eða "I've used up all my sick days, so I'm calling in dead".

Fékk þessa mjög svo áhugaverðu frétt senda frá afrol news núna áðan og datt í huga að deila þessu með ykkur:

It is often said that those who live longer either hear or see unimaginable wonders before they die. The case of a 27-year-old South African man who faked pregnancy is yet a thing that left people wondering.

Charles Sibindana did not get away with his fake claim, as a court in Vereeniging fined him rand 1,000 equivalent to US$ 140 for the act.

Mr Sibindana sought a week's permission from his employers telling them that he was asked by a gynaecologist to go for a sick leave. His employers, who never heard of a man being pregnant, decided to be on their toes to investigate the case.

Charles was then taken to court for the act. It was discovered that he had stolen the medical certificate from a clinic in the city when his pregnant girlfriend went for check-up.

Magistrate Bruno van Eeden was himself full of surprises for presiding over such a laughable case for the first time in history. He however delivered justice with mercy and asked Mr Sibindana to pay half of the fine. He would pay the other half only if he committed no crime during the next five years.

The judgment was also delivered with a warning to Mr Sibindana asking him "not to walk around faking sick letters from gynaecologists pretending to be pregnant."

Já, það er margt skrítið í kýrhausnum.

pregnant man


Harpa Elín
Harpa Elín
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